Costs of In-ground pools


An in-ground pool can cost $20,000 – $50,000. It may even cost more depending on quality and how ornate a home owner gets. Pool houses are large costs as well. So what are they worth on an appraisal? If you own an in-ground pool, it may be hard to hear but an in-ground pool is worth what a typical buyer is willing to pay for one.

Some buyers do not want a pool and may even consider filling it in upon purchase. Some buyers would love to have one for their family. Because these have mixed feelings, appraisers tend to see how in-ground pools react in your market. Are homes with in-ground pools selling for more? for less? the same? Are these pools larger, smaller? Can that size be found? Many of these questions are considered when developing an adjustment value.

Depending on your locale, adjustments will vary but rarely will they equate to what it cost to install an in-ground pool. In summary, the cost does not equal the market value. The value of a feature can be extracted by similar sales in the neighborhood. Asking local realtors how homes with pools in your area do may give you a sense of value.

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